League of legends riot points price
League of legends riot points price

league of legends riot points price

There is a new post on the official fora of the game on the matter. Emotes and Little Legends for Teamfight Tactics can also be purchased using RP. League of Legends’ popular in-game currency, Riot Points is about to get a price hike for players in the UK. The developer has also removed the £2.50 price point to balance it out (and because almost no one was buying that price point anyways). Riot actually detailed exactly why it decided to make Eternals cost Riot Points (RP), League’s in-game currency that can only be obtained with money. Through the use of Riot Points or RP for short, players can purchase skins for their favorite champions and even chromas if they want to shake things up. Realizing that with the price drop there's no price point to get just enough to buy certain skins, Riot has added a £15 price point that will get you 2,525 RP. Also, we place a 5-day insurance policy on All league of legends RP sales. We protect our buyers buy requiring all sellers to verify their IDs before placing league of legends money offers. With the price adjustment, here are the new values for Riot Points: Price PointĪlong with the price changes, will be adjustments to the price points. When buying LOL Riot Point, there are two main factors players are looking for.

league of legends riot points price

On July 25 at 23:59 BST, Riot will be increasing the cost of RP for UK players by 20%.

#League of legends riot points price skin#

After sitting back and waiting to see how the state of the British pound fairs with time, Riot Games finally decided it needs to act to make things equal again. League of Legends: Skin RP (Riot Point) price changes Hey Summoners mark your calendars 9am PSTÃÂ on ÃÂ April 25 isÃÂ when it all changesÃÂ Pricing on the champion skins are getting a huuugggeee overhaul. For the past year now, UK LoL players who have bought Riot Points have technically been paying less for a lot more RP than anyone else in the world.

League of legends riot points price